Photo taken in Buffalo on the harbor over Labor Day Weekend 2009

Friday, April 16, 2010


Realizations are usually pretty cool. Sometimes they're nice surprises, but other times they're nasty shocks. Regardless they usually involve a little bit of knowledge, which I would argue is always good. I had a nasty shock in the last year or so.

Since coming to college (ie it took me at least 18 years to realize this) I have noticed that I have little or no self confidence. Which is strange. I have no reason to doubt myself. I have good grades, go to a prestigious school, have an amazing and successful family, and a ton of great friends. But for some reason I still don't think I deserve this-- or not that I don't deserve it but that I didn't earn it or something along those lines. I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to say there but I think you can understand the gist of it.

This realization came to me a while ago but I never really admitted it to myself (or other people as I'm doing here) until yesterday. Three people: my roommate, a best friend, and a random person all told me (within 24 hours of each other... weird!) that I would be very successful. I realized how strange this sounded to me and how unbelievable I thought it was. I also realized that I didn't believe them. I'm trying to believe them but can't quite get there.

It's not that I don't want to be successful. I've dreamed of being happy, having money, and being "successful" (whatever your personal definition of that) my entire life. But dreaming about it doesn't mean I think I'll achieve it.

For the first 14-or-so years of my life I believed success was material: money, houses, cars, jets, and whatever else pop culture tells us it is. I think I was around 15 when I decided that although I wanted those things, what I really wanted was simply to be happy, have fun and enjoy life. It's working so far. I have the car and enough money to sustain what I want in life. Nothing more, nothing less. While neither of these things (car or money) is why I am happy (my happiness in itself is debatable depending on when you ask me)- I truly believe they make me happier.

The reason for the basis of whatever happiness I do have is very simple. I am healthy and have great family and friends. Those three things sound simple but they're HUGE. And without any one of those three I would not be happy and all the money (or cars :p ) in the world wouldn't make me happy.

Another mini revelation: I am afraid to be alone (or left out) despite enjoying time alone once in a while.

1) I should work on the self confidence thing. I don't know how. I'm a fan of self improvement, learning and growth and I think I can use all of those to gain confidence. But how remains a question.
2) Maybe I will be very successful? I hope so :) because my definition of success is simply happiness. So for me, very successful=very happy.
3) Cherish family, friends, and health (in that order) because they're all that matter.
4) Keep thinking like this! There's no way to improve/change without acknowledging reality first.

Separate Conclusion:
1) Don't be afraid of failure. I am right now but I want to defeat this. "You can't make 100% of the shots you don't take," is a very true quote. But I don't take a lot of "shots" because I'm afraid I'll "fail." Keep trying and I'll be "very successful" like so many people I know think I will. And instead of being surprised when people say nice stuff... just believe them and say thanks. That's gunna be a tough one for me.

G'night! :)

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