Photo taken in Buffalo on the harbor over Labor Day Weekend 2009

Monday, February 1, 2010


now playing Cell Phones Ringing (in the pockets of the dead) by Willie Nile

I've read a lot about goal-setting. It's always interesting to see other people's ideas about what makes them successful and how you can succeed at realizing your goal. One thing I've always been told is that goals should be measurable. Hmm. Okay? I can definitely see why this is useful: if you can't measure something you can't truly determine whether or not you've met your goal. According to all of my reading they should also be specific. Again, understandable but I've never found either of these things to be true.

The last two New Years my resolutions have been to live 'better:' healthier, happier, more productively. Two years in a row I've kept this resolution. Why make the same one two years in a row if I've kept it? Because it can always be improved upon. Keep in mind, I've had more specific things in mind each time. But regardless, I've kept this vague, unmeasurable resolution/goal twice. And been pretty successful at it.